
Posts Tagged ‘Creative Writing’

Society in Good Earth

Place of woman in China is same as it is in India, not much developed as of Men. Equal rights are not seen for women.  In all way, it affects the culture of the society that turns male dominating. Discriminating woman is same as discouraging your co-worker, keeping your place higher by deception. The growth of society would be much better where woman could live as the same place as men. Human psychology to tug other one, who is going ahead of you, turns off his growth himself.

I wrote this post just to tell about the Book ‘Good Earth’ by Pearl Buck.  I have read this book couple of years before. This book is crowned with the selection by Oprah Book Club in 2004. India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was inspired writings of Perl Buck. He was reading this book during the time, when India was struggling for independence. Nehru had read this book in front of Mahatma Gandhi sick lied on his bed. Couple of people besides laughed aloud, but real truth was that only both could understand the deep meaning in the story.  Nehru could see the human relations and conflict between husband wife relations. The Life of protagonist in this fiction, Wang Lung is shown much materialistic, but this resulted into his own fall out.

Time line of all fictional incidences is from first part of twentieth century.  It is a story of rise and fall of one rich farmer in China. When agriculture is the major source of earning, it is mainly dependant on nature of rain and water. Single drought or over pouring destroys in hand bread and butter. Pastoral picture of country side is clearly stood in front of eyes while reading the book.

About Pearl Buck: She is Nobel Prize winning Chinese Author.  Her major fiction trilogy of Good Earth includes three novels – ‘Good Earth’, ‘Sons’, ‘A House divided’.

For More Information:

1. WikiPedia: Good Earth
2. WikiPedia: Pearl Buck

Tips for Best Selling Writers

Its post of Creative Writing -3.

These tips can be used by anyone, who wants to become a world famous writer.

  1. Be Receptive & Free Thinker:  ‘Imagination is the basic principle of fiction.’ If you want to write, you must have ideas in your mind and ideas won’t come into mind as soon as you sit for writing. Brain is powerhouse of ideas. It is continuously and unconsciously thinking. Every single idea is the spark of creative imagination, but only if you are able to recognize it. Keep a pencil and notepad with you always if possible. Whenever any idea pops up into mind, jot down on the note.  You may scribble few lines of plot.  Even it is not a novel writing, when you sit especially for writing a novel, read the precious ideas germinated at free time and practice appending the lines ahead. Start completing the lucid chain of thoughts.
  2. Identify the idea: Never get disappointed if you think, ‘I cannot write’. Every best selling writer has gone through this phase.  Second part of this tip is to be a free thinker. Whatever you read, whatever you observe, whatever you watch, whatever you believe, accept the thoughts and filter them for your purpose. Observe the people. Observe how they speak, how they walk, how they behave.  Observe the crowd. Write single sentence on every observation.
  3. Write every day: Imagine your favorite song. Who has sung that song? The person must be a well known singer. When singer practices, He does it every day. When he misses singing a single day, it affects the song. It is easily observable by everyone. One day of missing practice reduces the excellence. Second day miss out is identifiable by his teacher. Third day miss out is easily observable by audience. So, be disciplined of writing. Write minimum hundred lines every day. Make this as a habit. Remember, ‘Practice makes man perfect.’
  4. Don’t expect miracles in a single day: You cannot write first fiction as a bestselling. You write the plot. Read out the idea after couple of days. How did you felt? If you find the same passion and meaningfulness that you had while writing. Then, this is somewhat effective. Otherwise rework on the lines and ideas. Working on writing fiction is re working on the writing. Working means re working.
  5. Get the feedback from readers: You are writing keeping in mind that it is going to be read by others. So, after writing and couple of self review, Give it to your friends or relatives and ask how they felt your idea. Analyze how much idea has been communicated. Again rework on the plot changes the fallacious lines, until you feel, these are the final words.
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Creative Writing -2

Stephen King is a celebrated fiction writer. He wrote gripping novels like The Stand, Under the dome with more than thousand pages. One interviewer asked a question to him, ‘How do you write a novel of more than thousand pages?’

King answered, ‘Word by Word.’ Answer of three words would not surprise you, but tells the gist of writing.

Secrete of Best selling Fiction Writer is the first few sentences of the book. People pick up the book by just reading first few lines of a book. If these first few made them to read further, book is best selling. It is the fact. So, Famous writers laboriously work out on the first few lines of book.

About first sentence: If the first sentence is a boring fallacious argument and has no appeal to read further, no one will take interest in reading the book. This starting sentence should grip the reader to go ahead and try to unravel what you wanted to say. It should be able to produce the curiosity to read next line. Most of the lines must be indirectly linked to each other. It would not how many words are in the sentence.

Creative Writing -1

I am a voracious reader, but some obligations in life could not let me read. Continuous reading has also sharpened my writing skills. I have very good English, but I am not a good communicator. I cannot express ideas and thought clearly. It has encouraged me to have a development plan.
British Library Council has offered me an opportunity to sharpen the writing skills thorough one program of Creative Writing. I will try to restore the inputs that I received by attending the Creative Writing program for fiction writers.  I am splitting this session in few posts of my blog.
Writing starts with a single word. You have no idea of writing stories and any type of fiction. Pick up many random pair of words related words. Sit for a minute quietly. Breathe slowly. Take a pen into hand; try constructing the sentences that pop into your mind.
Creative Writing Exercise one:
Find the first exercise of creative writing here. Construct the sentences starting with the following given words. All below sentences need not be connected to each other.
1. When he noticed….
2. Here face felt…
3. My father never…
4. Suddenly she saw…
5. Who wouldn’t want..
6. I dreamt off..